Puppy motherhood is a challenge, full of blessings and curses. Napoleon, while wonderfully endearing is also a bit of a terror. Firstly there is his tendency to eat only OTHER dog's food, which not only gets him abused by other dogs but also makes him sick...yet he continues to neglect his own food in favor of the oversized pieces that make him ill. I think we can safely classify that as an eating disorder. Perhaps I should get him counselling.
In addition to this sneaky habit he refuses to use his inside voice while in the house. This becomes a problem in the mornings when he and I (being creatures of the morning rather than the night) roam the house attending to our morning duties and he repeatedly demands my attention (or in more cases the attention of whatever toy he is currently wrestling) with his loud high pitched shrill bark of death immediately waking everyone else in the house. It also becomes annoying when one is attempting to focus on an important phone call in a separate room. He camps outside the door projecting his bark as loud as possible to ensure that it carries through the wood of the door to make sure that I hear that he desires my attention.
I might resort to beating him.
For all his faults as soon as he falls asleep in my lap or does his cute little growl noise or cuddles with Rosie or kisses my nose, I am completely in love with him all over again. I can't wait to take him camping for the first time next month!
I spent the better part of yesterday searching district websites for jobs. I printed a stack of paperwork and created a series of To Do Lists in an effort to secure employment for this fall - I then had a panic attack and rambled for hours to the Crankins who probably now think I am on drugs.
Besides how nice it would be to have money I could really care less if I obtain full time employment next year, the absence of a job would just give me permission to live out some of the dreams I've been having lately but the social pressure to fill that void in my life is remarkable. It seems that society largely evaluates people based on their ability to secure and maintain a job, and then ranks them based on what that job is. As if the fact that I have not signed a contract by mid-July is a sign that I am lacking in certain characteristics or skills and therefore implies that I am inferior to those who have already answered that question.
I think an absence is in order.