Almost 3 weeks ago I was driving home from church on the freeway between Interstate 5 and my house when I saw what I thought was a piece of garbage in my lane. Since I was near the end of a construction zone I slowed down so that I could go around this object because I wasn't sure how damaging hitting a construction item would be to my car. However when I got closer I realized that it wasn't garbage at all but a TINY KITTEN crouching in the road. I pulled over immediately and without much thought ran out into the road, signalling for other cars to slow while I retrieved the kitten that was frozen in fear in the middle of the highway.
Three weeks later and Otis (aka - Road Kill) and Napoleon are nearly inseparable. Today as I was leaving to make a trip to the grocery store I went to put Napoleon away in his crate and Otis ran in after him and plopped down in the back of the crate while Napoleon curled up next to him. I sat there bewildered for a moment before closing the gate and leaving with a big smile on my face. The wrestle each other and run laps around the house and even attempt to share each other's food (though I highly discourage this whenever I catch them). It's like a scene straight out of "Fox and the Hound", they're the best of friends and aren't even aware they're such a funny pair.
Unfortunately since I am engaged to be married in October, Napoleon and I will be moving in with Paul and my step-dog Jake, a 9 year old boxer/lab mix who is adorable and sweet and loving but who has an intense fixation with cats. So far he has been unable to adjust to the kitten's presence in the house and more often than not attempts to chase Otis down with aggressive barks that frighten me. It pains me to watch Napoleon and Otis cuddle knowing that their future together looks bleak. And that is nothing to the pain I feel when I imagine parting with Otis and giving him to another family. Though I suppose THAT is nothing to the pain I would feel if I came home and found that Jake had eaten poor Otis :/
Life is tough.