Thursday, February 10, 2011


Highlight of the Day #1 – I used the word “transsexual” as a joke today in class with my grade 10s and S4 (see yesterdays post) asked me what that was and I attempted to describe it to him without using the “p” or “v” word, stumbled awkwardly through the sentence before realizing that I probably shouldn’t be talking to him about that at all (unprofessional and all that).  Why was I using that word in a joke?  Not entirely sure but I think it had something to do with the guy who invented the Blackberry.

HOTD #2 – As I was leaving school I saw 12 GIRLS wearing Ugg boots on ONE street corner.  I can’t wait for spring – if only because it means I’ll be seeing a lot less of those hideous boots.

HOTD #3 - I used the phrase “thug life” to describe a monarch during the English Civil War which prompted one of my students to raise his hand and ask “Does that mean that they had weed back then?” 

I’m noticing a pattern in my stories…they typically start with me accidentally saying something wildly inappropriate in the classroom and then my students responding with equally inappropriate questions or comments.  There are two ways to proceed from here – cease or monitor my inappropriate statements at the expense of these wonderful stories and classroom digression, OR continue on this path and potentially meet an early departure from the school system.  So many choices.

Also we have had 9 days of school so far and I have had 4 boys fall asleep in my grade 9 class. 

I think I suck.

HOTD #4 – I saw another Fiesta on the road today as I was driving home J  Black, and much dirtier than mine – I nearly honked in greeting but I wasn’t sure if Fiesta people are like that, I mean, it’s not a Volkswagen or anything.  Yet I feel this bond with other Fiesta owners, and also a bit of anger at my diminishing uniqueness.  Though my count can still be contained on one hand! (Not including myself and BN). 

And as a sign off, here is a conversation I had tonight with an old friend from high school - 

Me: school is kicking my butt - my students are wild and I'm tired all the time but loving almost every minute of it!
VB: haha well at least they are probably not trying to have potlucks in the middle of class.  Bringing huge bowls of spaghetti…
Me: I can ONLY imagine!
VB: And thongs.
Me: …Do you mean tongs?


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