Monday, February 7, 2011

Waking up Late

Last night I had a VIVID nightmare about oversleeping!  In my dream I woke up to find my clock saying 7:47!!!!  Horrors!  Normally I leave the house at 6:40 and I ARRIVE in the school parking lot at 7:00 on the dot and the first bell rings at 8:15.  So 7:47 would give me less than half an hour to get ready AND drive to school!  This is not including breakfast, showering and photocopying!  IT WAS THE WORST NIGHTMARE EVER!!!  I jolted awake from this terrible dream, frantically checked my clock which said 2:38…phew.  The rest of my sleep was wrought with anxiety because I was terrified the dream would become reality.  Of course what this meant for the rest of my day was that I was cranky.  Not yell at my class cranky, but a more subtle – I hate everyone cranky, which is a very productive type of anger.  Not.  This is the sulky, lack of motivation type of anger.  Awesome.  Especially since I have a giant pile of marking, a bunch of prep to do and a long list of chores.  Bleck.

In other news – my mentor teacher alerted me that one of my peer tutors had intense body odor today so he will be having a discussion with her tomorrow about her circumstances, professionalism, etc.  Except the thing is…I think it might have been me.  I’ve smelled worse, and I didn’t find my odor today especially disgusting but that’s probably what all smelly people say!  What if he really smelled me and now I’m going to let this poor girl take a serious self esteem hit for something that may have been my doing?!  I didn’t smell her personally, but I was running around the class and he was the one sitting back there with her…there’s no way of knowing.

I also discovered that two boys that have been attending my Socials 10 class may or may not actually be students in that class.  I didn’t see their names on the computer attendance list all week last week but I attributed that to a technical glitch or slow updating of the system, but today when both of their names were still not in there I mentioned it to my SA and we sent their names to the office.  We’ll see what comes of that.  I kind of like them.  But I kind of don’t.  So it’ll be neutral if they end up being removed.  I did find it suspicious that one of them told me their name was Manveet Smith.  I just figured his dad was white.

Tomorrow my Socials 9 class is beginning their viewing of “Cromwell”.  Hooray for extra prep time!  It will take us AT LEAST two days to finish the film!  I might actually be able to get my marking done!  

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